Miranda Water Board Choose to Be Frugal and Practical in a Light-Hearted Meeting - Redheaded Blackbelt

2022-05-28 01:20:35 By : Ms. Tina zhang

News, nature, and community throughout the Emerald Triangle

[Stock image by Nicole-Koehler via Wikimedia Commons]The May meeting of the Miranda Community Services District’s (MCSD) monthly water board commenced on the 17th at Steven’s Hall in Miranda. MCSD Board Chair, Bob Harris, called the meeting to order with board members Sam Wilbur, Andre Steinle, and Martin Eldridge in attendance to discuss the renting of Stevens Hall and the district’s purchasing policy, as well as updates on various district business including the Miranda Volunteer Fire Department (MVFD) that the MCSD oversees.

[Stock image by Nicole-Koehler via Wikimedia Commons]

Stevens Hall is owned by the MCSD and in the past has been utilized as a community space available for rent. Currently, the district does not rent the hall due to issues around the COVID pandemic. Initially, Steinle and Wilbur were both in favor of renting the hall to provide a space for community members to host small functions while generating an additional income for the district.

Issues quickly arose during the discussion including concern about a side porch that was in disrepair and had not been in use due to safety concerns.

In addition to the porch repair, the district will need to find someone who can manage the rentals. MCSD’s Office Manager, Barbara Ristow, said that the rental process is time consuming, and the hall is often left in need of additional cleaning. Steinle proposed raising the rent and/or deposit to discourage patrons that may abuse the structure.

Harris raised concern about potential liability in regard to possible COVID issues at events the hall is rented for.

The board elected to table the discussion until the porch repair is complete, when the board will then address the other rental concerns.

The board also discussed the current purchasing policy. Currently the district has a $300 cap on expenses without board approval or an emergent situation. With the rising cost of fuel and parts, the board would like to increase that.

Harris looked to MCSD Wastewater Manger, Ralph Emerson, who is also the General Manager for the Garberville Sanitary District (GSD), for direction regarding the GSD spending policy. Emerson will be sending Ristow a copy of the GSD spending policy ordinances to help the MCSD draft their own policy to go before the board for approval at a later date.

Anthony Boyd gave the board an update on the district’s need for a new work truck. Boyd said that the district did not need a diesel truck, lowering the expense. A single cab gas powered truck with a utility bed is what they’re searching for. Boyd estimates that the district can find a vehicle to fit the bill between $20K- $50K.

Harris joked about Ristow, “She wants to put us in a golf cart!”

Steinle said a golf cart would be the most cost effective and fuel efficient.

Ristow shot down any further discussion by stating that a golf cart would not be legal, she’s looked into it.

Harris stated that the “green truck” was hanging in there for the time being and its imminent demise would probably be the impetus for the purchase of the new work truck.

Steinle, who in addition to being a board member is also the Miranda Volunteer Fire Department (MVFD) Captain, reported that the fire department responded to 7 out-of-district calls and 1 in-district call during the last month.

The MVFD will also be attending a yearly training exercise hosted by the Briceland Volunteer Fire Department on June 4th.

Steinle emphasized fiscal responsibility in necessary projects, weighing the cost benefits of completing some tasks in-house. The department will be hiring an outside contractor for an ADA bathroom construction job. The slated contractor was significantly more cost effective than other contractors but had a longer wait time for availability. The district is willing to wait in order to get the best deal on the build.

Anthony Boyd told the board about a leak that had occurred in April on Frances Grove Lane that they fixed and installed a pressure reducer at the pump house to minimize future leaks. The senior Boyd is also monitoring a possible leak near Daphne Court that could be water runoff from another source. District employees will clear the area and determine the source of the water that’s pooling at the corner.

The district has applied for a grant for an additional water tank. At this time, the district has not heard any additional news on their grant application that was submitted with the help of consultant, Jenni Short. “I’m still optimistic – it’s going to happen, [but] maybe not in my lifetime,” Harris jested.

Ristow said she was doubtful and frustrated with the cumbersome process.

Anthony Boyd told the board that recent water tests all have come back great. He reported that they are getting the wastewater system dialed in.

Emerson noted that with the GSD’s recent purchase of a vac-trailer (a unit that vacuums water and mud to clear trenches and holes for repair work) could be rented by the MCSD instead of contracting with another entity.

The group discussed rainwater infiltrating the sewage system through manhole covers which then leads to the wastewater system handling a 150% – 300% increase in water volume on heavy rain days according to Emerson. He told the board that rainwater infiltration is unavoidable since manholes are not watertight and cannot be made watertight without creating an access issue. Instead, Emerson suggested investigating where high-volume infiltration is happening during heavy rain to mitigate low spots and minimize the rainwater entering the system.

Steinle requested a Capital Improvement Schedule plan for the future goals of the district be added to the next agenda, the board agreed.

The Miranda Community Services District holds their monthly board meeting at the Steven’s Hall on School Road in Miranda on the third Tuesday of each month at 7 p.m. Meetings are open to the public. 

For more information, call the office message machine, (707) 943-3033 or email at [email protected] .

Reporting for this article was funded by the Humboldt Journalism Project, a DreamMaker Project of The Ink People. To donate to the Humboldt Journalism Project, click here. 

This article is written by Lisa Music, a local freelance journalist. To reach Lisa about tips, questions or comments, email her at [email protected]

NOTE: An earlier version of this article had a spelling error.

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Garberville Sanity District (GSD), LOL.

It’s hard to find employees for that department.

Thanks for the catch. Fixed now.

So great RHBB covers community service district goings-ons, like the issues community board-members have to problem solve and decide on. These folks step up and grapple with small to large issues (relative to size of the jurisdiction and institution). A learning process, no doubt, and commendable. Not easy, the process nor the position. Hat’s off to y’all.

Wow, so Ralph Emerson also works at MCSD, along with working at GSD. He makes $10k a month plus benefits at GSD and must work a minimum of 40 hours a week at GSD. Does GSD allow Emerson to bring all of the new equipment GSD has purchased to use at MCSD and does GSD know about it? Emerson has a history of using GSD equipment outside of GSD’s service area at his other jobs, just ask Tina Stillwell, who was terminated by Emerson for blowing the whistle on Emersion. You can read about it hear: https://kymkemp.com/2017/09/08/tina-stillwell-wants-her-job-back/ https://kymkemp.com/2018/03/07/tina-stillwell-vs-garberville-sanitary-district-a-civil-suit-was-filed-monday-alleging-the-plaintiff-was-fired-for-bringing-attention-to-misconduct-by-the-general-services-manager/ Here is Emerson’s last employee contract with GSD (2020-2025), made right after GSD had their last water and sewer price increase: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ZRozCIettOMyhvTBKEAxeneKAoI0pXxz/view?usp=sharing And oh yeah, Emerson continued to sell GSD water to contractors called “bulk water”, using the water outside GSD water service boundary or place of use, after GSD was told to cease and desist formally by the Water Board twice before and when Emerson continued, GSD was fined $40,000 plus attorneys fees of $11,000 to negotiate the settlement, read about it here: https://kymkemp.com/2020/08/30/garberville-sanitary-district-to-pay-40000-for-unauthorized-bulk-water-sales/ Now it makes you wonder, does MCSD know about all these shenanigan’s Emerson pulled at GSD, let…  Read more »